Sunday, August 3, 2008

On Training and Things

Saturday saw me spend pretty much the entire day on the bike. This is the first time I've put the aerobars onto the Soloist, and getting them positioned took a little trial and error. I also picked up a set of Specialized S-Works road shoes on clearance last week, and I took the day to get my cleat position dialed in, too.

I met up with Jonathan G., a fellow rider I met randomly while he was changing a flat. I stopped to offer assistance, and we ended up riding together the rest of the way back home, since we both live in the same neighborhood. We headed towards the coast and cruised down to Manhattan Beach. At one point I looked up and noticed six guys, heading the opposite direction, holding a nice tight group two abreast. All with shaved legs. All riding high end De Rosas with Campagnolo Record spec. That was about when I realized that I had just passed the Rock Racing squad. Jonathan and I did an about face and caught onto the back of the pack. Michael Ball was leading the pack, and Tyler Hamilton was there, too. We just said hey, asked about upcoming race plans, and parted ways. I'm quite glad that my first celebrity sighting out here was for the sport I love so much.

Oh, and the Soloist now has a name: Beatrix, after Beatrix Kiddo. Why, you ask? Because she's sexy, nimble, and takes down the competition at the knees.

Other than that, an uneventful week. Can't wait for Nationals on Wednesday!

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